Are you looking for healing and wholeness?

If you've experienced any kind of spiritual abuse or religious trauma and are looking for a place to process, then this is the community for you.

Move through your pain from broken to beloved.

Telling the truth is essential to our healing, and pain demands a witness. Join a cohort today and find a safe and sacred space to bear witness to God's work in each of us.

Discover a community to move through the pain and navigate the path together from broken to beloved.

Me too.

After a three-peat of spiritually abusive environments at the hands of self-ignorant and sometimes toxic leadership, I've drawn a boundary for myself.

To quote one of my favorite movies, "I have seen enough to know I have seen too much." (Bonus points if you know the reference.) After years of counseling and therapy, I've begun processing my history of carrying 10+ years of the CPTSD that came with my experience with spiritual abuse and religious trauma.

Having identified myself as the victim for far too long (and becoming a villain in the process), I discovered my own agency and finally felt empowered to make choices for myself, rather than being a passive role in my own story.

What I've discovered is just how important our identity is to why we do what we do. And for too long, I saw myself as broken. I was damaged goods.

Today, I also see how I'm much more. I'm beloved. And that changes everything.

Join me for this 8-week cohort as we learn to come back to ourselves through story work, learning to regulate and attune to ourselves and each other, and as we discover healing and wholeness together.

You may be broken, but you are also beloved. And there's room for you here.

Join a safe and sacred space guiding you through the history of your pain into gentle healing.

Have you experienced spiritual abuse or religious trauma?

Are you tired of being gaslit or dismissed when you try to tell your story?

Are you stuck thinking you'll never be whole again?

Do you want to feel safe and welcome again?

Join a cohort today to address these questions and start your journey toward healing and wholeness. I'll be your guide over 8 weeks as we work together to build trust, find a community of others who share stories like yours, and provide safe and compassionate care.

Weekly Topics

You'll get access to new video lessons in your library each Monday for you to watch at your convenience.

Then, we'll meet virtually on Thursdays or Fridays to discuss that topic at each cohort gathering.

  • WEEK 1 Welcome
  • WEEK 2 Broken: Am I Safe?
  • WEEK 3 Definitions: What Does it All Mean?
  • WEEK 4 Liminal: The Space Between
  • WEEK 5 Breath & Mindfulness
  • WEEK 6 Moving Up the (Polyvagal) Ladder
  • WEEK 7 Beloved: Embracing New Identity
  • WEEK 8 Debrief


Hear from others who have already gone through the cohort:

This has given me tools to heal in my trauma journey. For 10 years I have been struggling to move forward so that I can have joy again.

THROUGH validated my feelings and helped me put words to my pain, which helped me process my trauma in profound ways.

If you are struggling with pain and hurt, this course would be helpful in your healing journey.

Julie, North Carolina

Brian distilled and presented the very essence of carefully collected sources that would have been exhausting for us to investigate and digest ourselves. The blunt teaching gave us the courage to share honestly without the toxic loyalty to our church family or former Christian organisation.

Our sharing in the group was deep . . . finally, a safe place that responded with the words we have longed to hear: You are not crazy. I'm sorry. I believe you.

The cohort is not only about the hurt, but about healing. I have received healing in this cohort.

Lars, Denmark

If you have been hurt by the church or experienced spiritual abuse & trauma, you are not alone.

THROUGH is a safe space to help you find language for what you’ve experienced and also to find encouragement and others who have also been through similar experiences.

I’m so thankful for what I learned and the realization that I was not alone.

Amy, Alabama

THROUGH helped me to catch my breath and recognize the places where Jesus has been present in my recovery from spiritual abuse.

I left my former community feeling hurt, overwhelmed and a bit crazy. This new community was a place to intentionally process my healing journey.

If you feel a bit crazy and need a safe place to land this is a great start!

Stacy, Hungary

What are you waiting for?

Take your next step toward healing and wholeness.


Video lessons are released on Mondays.

Cohorts will meet virtually on Thursdays or Fridays beginning October 10, 2024. (Times are TBD based on number of open cohorts.)

Each cohort is limited to 10 seats to maintain an ideal environment to build trust and share safely with each other. Once all cohorts are filled, you can be entered onto a priority waitlist for the next cohort launch.

Cost is $399. You can choose to pay in full or over 7 monthly payments of $57. Limited scholarships are available for those in need of financial assistance.


(All times are EST. International cohort members are more than welcome. We've had members join from Denmark, Hungary, Hong Kong, Australia, and Kazakhstan. Click here for a time zone converter)



Need more answers?

Send an email to [email protected] with your questions.